★ If you click 'Seeing simple ' on mobile phone, no movies are shown up, push it to aside and see website please.

LGBT friendly shop Gay Bisexual Lesbian clients are welcome but we do not ask you this you may get massage keeping it secret, if you want to reveal it you may do but we don't get it on the phone, please fill the reservation form below.

▶ Massage Reservation Form
[ Text reservation is available too]

▶ Massage Lesson Reservation Form
[ Text reservation is available too]

▶ Massage Exchange

Text reservation is available too but we don't get any inquiry on the phone except the time and date[today available an hour ago] and location if outcall. If you want a detailed reservation inquire at shop or fill in the form above please.


Massage Fee



Camera discount 20,000w + 20% income of movie.

If you allow movie 5,000won is discounted for each face, voice, lower body, upperbody. If you allow all  20,000w discounted. Your movie is not sold to others but you, could be watched only in shop charged 2piece 50,000w and 20% 5,000w is paid to you. This is only when you are in Korea if you are abroad , transferring money is stopped. The income is not verified but if you are registered at massage exchange member it will be written on your profile whenever it happens.




20,000won is added.

During the massage, it's possible that the other client enters. The maximum occupancy is 2 people at a time. As Massage Korea is a one-person shop, operates on a reservation system for only 1 or 3 people a day, and the chance of overlapping reservations is only about 10%.

Therefore, if you want to receive it alone,  in most cases you will receive it alone, so there is no much need to ask for separation, but if you ask for it 20,000won is added.

Even if other clinet enters, it is not possible to see each other's faces because you are usually lying face down or covering you face with a towel during the massage, so it is not a much of intrusion. However, the mobile phone must be silenced, not vibrated, and there are restrictions on chat during the massage.





The armpits and perineum are generally massaged for health benefits, when this, men could get hard though you are not a gay. Errection during a massage may ok but penis massage is not included.

Massage lesson full movie

Movie of Youself 200,000won
 [If copyright is on webmaster, 10,000won is discounted]

Movie of others. 2 piece  50,000won
Only available to watch at massage shop after massage.







Phone 010 8464 4669

Text recommended more because if busy phone is not answered.

For incall 10,000won should be transfered and pay rest of 40,000won at shop.  You may come without transfering money and pay in front of the door before entering, but in that case the other reservation could be made, your reservation is not guaranteed. [Though this chance is very few]

For Outcall all the money must be transferred and reservation is made.


Bank account

NH 농협 302 0794 9069 81

허일 [IL HUH]

Text as possible please.

No response if busy.

Regular phone is not received because of many spams. Kakao talk, Facebook messages are not received because of fun inquiry.

Only Text by cellular phone is available.

Do not text for inquiry but
text please after deciding time and date.

All the messages in Korea can be traced by police. Do not inquire any ileagal 'FUN' contents including sexual things.
You may inquire this at the shop but this does not mean we accept that.








If you are too hairy the effect of massage gets lower, since the hairs asorbs oil need 3 times of oil, even doing that the hands are not directly touched your body. It's better to proceed shaver waxing before massage, or you could cut your hairs by yourself before coming. You can purchase hair cutter only around 20,000w on the internet. You don't need to cut completely but may leave about 5 mm.






You can only get moneny by being practiced when a massage lesson70,000w+food but this is limited who finished lesson

You can also get money by only exchange massage and this is limited who allow camera discount



How to wear

We have locker and shower room.  Take off all and wrap towel  like below pictures.

Cover  top for woman and weist for man. No underwear is recommended because it will be unwraped in the middle and oil is used. However if you are a woman and not compfortable for total exposing, you may take on underwear, but massage will be limited as much as you take on.



Shower before&after Massage


You need to take a shower before massage and if you did it at home just before coming here, you may skip it. Shower before massage should be done carefully not to make an oder.

Chances are you don't use soap on your anus and this is actually good for health. Anus is lubricated by itself blocks bacterial penetration, the surfactant of soap removes lubrication, it is said you get to have an itchy anus.

You need to use a natural soap that doesn't include surfactant or you may only wash by water, but before massage , massage could be difficult because of oder, you need use soap. In massage shop we use a natural soap.

Wash your anus enough with soap and insert only first knuckle of your finger, 2 or 3 times and wash it by water.

After massage when you shower, using soap is not good. The components of oil and soap are mixed, and they could sustain on your skin.

After massage you may wear clothes after wiping out the body with towel, but if you want to have a shower it's good to do it only by water without soap.

I'm worried infection by skin contact if I don't use soap after massage.

Coconut oil [90%] Massage Korea uses has higher saturated fat than cow oil[70%] Saturated fat has a role of blocking infection, it is rather good way not to have a shower to reduce infection

The saturation of coconut oil is about 90% but the saturation of vaseline is 100% consists with more saturated fat, most of medicatons uses vaseline for it's base.So when you make a scar you get better faster if you apply vaseline, so is coconut oil.

After massage for a few days if you have a very sensitive disorder, you could feel it itchy and scratch and make side effect. If you scratch it rather you can get infection, in this case purchse vaseline to apply and the itchy is gone.














  massage-korea.com all rights are reserved.